Dr. Afrouz goes about her work like the detective she is. She’ll collect your family history, particulars about your workplace, and any clues to stress factors—including things like old accidents and other past events reaching as far back as the day you were born.
During your first in-person visit, Dr. Afrouz will greet you and piece together the puzzle of your health history. Typically about 90 minutes, this initial assessment will neither be rushed nor interrupted. Dr. Afrouz listens deeply, giving your narrative and your context weight and gravity.
During this visit, she’ll look for signs of nutritional deficiencies and functional dysfunctions. In addition to any imaging and/or lab tests, her diagnostics include methods not taught in medical schools, such as a functional medicine physical exam, screening questionnaires, Chinese tongue and pulse diagnosis (Traditional Chinese Medicine), a broad spectrum of hormonal and salivary tests, psychological exercises and mind body questioning, and even dialogue with your loved ones. She gathers an intuitive sense of who you are just by talking with you and analyzing your skin, eyes, and tone of voice. Her goal: unveil the root causes of your discomfort.
In addition to healing imbalances and preventing disease, Dr. Afrouz gives her patients a deeper understanding of their own bodies. She applies mind-body and naturopathic techniques to gain a full picture of your health and treat the causes—not just the symptoms. By unveiling and targeting the root of your dysfunction, Dr. Afrouz helps you better understand your body, its needs, and how to treat it for optimal functioning.
With both eyes on a quick fix for your symptoms, western doctors often won’t detect your body’s imbalances before you feel sick. Dr. Afrouz runs state-of-the-art advanced diagnostic testing to preventatively measure various body functions. She looks closely at your biochemistry, physiology, hormones, genetic mutations, immune system, microbes, and more in the context of your symptoms, history, and lab results. Advanced lab tests uncover the root cause of your illness and allow her to custom fit a treatment plan to your specific needs.
80% of your immune system resides in your gut. That’s why Dr. Afrouz focuses on three areas of gastrointestinal health when analyzing any chronic illness. By running advanced tests on your stool, for food sensitivity, and intestinal permeability (or “leaky gut”), she uncovers what may be causing your unpleasant symptoms—from anxiety and depression, to poor skin and weight gain, to constipation, fatigue, auto-immune, and more.